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NimiAdvanced CoMputing Continuum Solutions for Boosting DigITalization across European RegionS -AMBITIOUS
YhteyshenkilöPaola Rosales Suazo De Kontro
KuvausThe main goal of AMBITIOUS is to provide a fundamental technological infrastructure, which will provide advanced data aggregation and clean-up, analytics, AI-enabled forecasting and secure information exchange mechanisms, via a transparent computing continuum infrastructure, to be integrated with existing, mature services (of at least TRL6) of the relevant stakeholders (SMEs), unleashing for them yet unforeseen functionalities and opening up new pathways of commercial exploitation. The envisaged fundamental infrastructure will be provided via the deployment of technological pillars, which will interact with existing services towards supporting the envisioned functionalities. The purpose of a pillar is to provide the same generic functionalities to diverse services (demonstrated by a diverse set of specific use -cases) as a concrete processing chain, aiming at avoiding unnecessary redundancy of resources and budget. New participants (third parties) can easily join via the open calls the project will organize.
A variety of sectors will be targeted including safety, smart water management, precise agriculture, as well as innovative digital health and wellbeing services. Our objectives are aligned with the smart specialization priority areas of the participating regions. They are also long-term sustainable both from an ecological, social, and economical viewpoint.
KehittämistarveToday’s most widely architectural style is currently very traditional, with devices directly connected to
Cloud services. This works fine for many applications; however, there are severe disadvantages with this approach. In
applications that require low latencies (such as remote control of UAVs, Digital Twins, high performance sensing and
analytics, etc.) it is crucial to have computational resources close to the end devices. At this level, the computing continuum paradigm plays an important role.

This project aims to equip all partners in general, and SMEs in particular, with novel fundamental technological solutions related to computing continuum infrastructures, data analytics mechanisms, AI-enabled prediction techniques, and secure data exchange, that will significantly advance their own technological solutions, but will create new collaboration possibilities with other SMEs, as well as currently unforeseen interregional business opportunities. The project involves four different counties and several regions across Europe. It will create links between public authorities (regions, authorities), industry stakeholders (SMEs, larger enterprises), academic institutions and citizens, and will promote both the interregional exchange of technological know-how and the deployment of novel business models, not only for the participating SMEs, but also for third-party SMEs that will be attracted by the FSTP calls and project’s success stories.

AMBITIOUS will also address several of the issues that SMEs are facing when it comes to crossing market boundaries.
Additionally, the project will provide test beds and testing opportunities to enable SMEs to get vital feedback on their products and solutions in an early stage and so to better adjust their innovative finding to serve market needs.
The project will support the participating companies with innovation activities, funding and a network of research and academic institutions. Furthermore, the project will provide test beds, structure, inter-organization technology development, demonstrators, knowledge transfer, R&D support and region and community interactions. These types of activities and support will benefit SMEs in their innovation journey, and help them “get visibility” in vital areas such as investments, PR,networking opportunities, etc.

At the core of the AMBITIOUS project is innovation acceleration through technology development, access to advanced test beds and research promoted by academic institutions. By connecting SMEs with major enterprises (such as network operators, business partners, as well as universities and research institutes), the project will provide test beds, technology development support, demonstrator capabilities, knowledge transfer, etc. which all merely contribute to support activities for growth and innovation in hi-tech small and medium sized companies.
ToimenpiteetNew products for SMEs - Savonia's role is mainly to be piloting site.
TuloksetThe project will developed innovative digital solutions based on 5G, cutting edge tools and applications of computing continuum. The digital solution will resultin a new technology platform that enables developers to deploy their software not only centrally in the cloud and distributed in the end-users’ laptops and mobile phones, but also at the network edge.
This new architecture paves the way for new business models, value chains, and deployment models offering SMEs to serve their clients even better with highly responsive applications and services. Systems could be designed to be more fault tolerant and robust using a combination of backend components deployed centrally and closer to the end-users The solutions are targeted to the following areas:
-smart water management
-precise agriculture
-innovative digital health
-wellbeing services
KumppanitThe consortium consists of 7 SMEs, 2 large companies, 1 region, 1 municipality, 3 universities, 3 cluster associations and 1 innovation centre.
RahoittajaEuropean Regional Development Fund ERDF